Look It Has Pockets!

The Origin Story

It started out as a joke, and as a recognition of a need. 

Owners, Kelly Gaines and Lauren Steele, were both turning 35. Since that’s the age you can officially run as president, they said, “wouldn’t it be funny if we had a presidential themed birthday party? We could make buttons, and have a campaign slogan, and everything!” 

“Well what would our campaign slogan be?”

“Steele Gaines 2020! Pockets for Everyone!”

They had such feedback from women in their friend group and community, that they thought, “maybe we’re on to something.” Most women’s clothing either don’t have any pockets, or have such small pockets, that you can barely fit a credit card in, let alone keys, wallets, or phones. This is particularly annoying when you want to go exercising or to a formal event, where you don’t want to be weighed down with keeping up with a purse. 

Gaines and Steele weren’t able to have their party that year due to the pandemic, unfortunately. However, they did use their time in quarantine to launch a women’s clothing store that only carried items that had functional pockets!

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